Transverse hall, north wing
East wall
It is divided into three sections (). On the right side is shown the collection of taxes from the cities of Middle Egypt; in the centre, provisioning scenes of temples and on the left, agricultural scenes. Each time the image of Rekhmire is erased.
The collection of taxes from the cities of Middle Egypt
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The scene is here, while that of tax collection in southern cities is located on the other side of the entrance. Here too, there is a division into five registers in which forty officials bring the produce of agriculture and livestock, as well as gold and silver. The scenes are not well preserved, and the fifth register has virtually disappeared.
Above the place where the Vizier stood, there is a text: "Rekhmire audits the accounts. The accounts of the office of the Vizier of the Southern City (Thebes) The accounts in the presence of the Mayors, District Chiefs, town councillors, heads of police of the Nomes, the scribes and scribes of the Maps that are in 'Head of Upper Egypt' from Coptos to Assiut".
The contribution of the northern cities appears poorer than that of the southern cities, each northern official bringing a little over half of what his southern counterpart brings. By contrast though, only the north provides papyrus and honey; it also provides significantly more silver than gold, which has an explanation: silver, which comes from Asian countries, comes up the Nile Valley, while gold comes down from Nubia.
Checking the temples’ workshops
A text describes the scenes of this section: "Rekhmire inspects various foodstuffs supplied daily to the temple; he inspects the progress of beautiful monuments he commissioned on behalf of the sovereign, the perfect god, lord of the two lands, Menkheperre - may he live forever - for the temple of Amun and other sanctuaries that are under its responsibility".
The scenes are spread over five registers, of which the lowest has disappeared ().
Register 1 (upper)
Four statues on the left depict the King in the course of performing certain ritual functions in the temple. No doubt the four naos behind them are destined to accommodate them (). Below stand two stele in gray-green stone. Further to the right, there are weapons: axes, spears, shields, swords, quivers; also visible are necklaces, rings and gold belts, a golden spatula, fabrics… (, )
Register 2
This is arranged in the same pattern as the first register.
To the left are a series of stone statues intended to be placed in temples () and pink granite sphinxes for lining processional ways. The statues show Thutmose III, accompanied in this case by the Great Royal Wife (). The last two statues are unique, one because it shows the king seated with one foot upon a Nubian (and probably the other foot upon an Asian) ;
the other because it is a sphinx with a woman's head, wearing the so-called bouffant / Hathoric wig ().
To the right the departing finished products of the workshops accumulate () : necklaces of gold and precious stones, incense burners, whips, helmets, fabrics, dishes and cups of gold and silver, various stone vases containing ointments (or other products?), a bed, a footboard, sticks in the form of snakes and three magic ivory wands (terminated at one end by a Sahara fox head and at the other by a leopard head ().
Register 3
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This follows, chronologically, the registers 4 and 5 located below it which show the preparation of food. Register 3 shows the transportation of these commodities, as confirmed by the caption: "The Superior of the workshops of Amun, the Supervisor of altars in Karnak, the Mayor, the Vizier, Rekhmire Bringing offerings to the temple of Amun […] as daily offerings and doing the will of this august god […] that his Ka may be satisfied with this food, and so that he is provided with what is acceptable to him so that he rewards the King who did this for him, the Lord of the Two Lands, Menkheperre, he may live for ever!".
The porters face to the right (thus towards the exit and the temple) and are preceded by a person holding a censer in which burns incense. After follow six men each carrying a tray decorated with a duck head: on five trays are laid flat bread, on the last, triangular breads and cakes. Behind them follows a man carrying a shoulder pole with two baskets and papyrus stalks, then the person responsible, a son of Rekhmire "Mery, Supervisor of the workshops of Amun"
; who is followed by a final figure carrying a bag and a cane ().
Registers 4 and 5
Register 4, although damaged, shows the production of bread: the dough is prepared, poured into moulds and baked. On the left (visible only on the Davies plate), another son of Rekhmire, is identified as "His son, the scribe of the offerings in the temple of Amun, Menkheperreseneb"
. He monitors the quality of foods and beverages that will be brought to the temple. Note the wide variety of breads and cakes.
Register 5 has disappeared; It, perhaps, dealt with the production of beer.
Supervising the work in the fields of Amun
The three registers are destroyed and a recourse must be made to Davies’ to get an idea of this section. The caption reads: "Rekhmire.. born to Bet, fathered by the wab-priest of Amon, Neferouben, son of the Mayor, the Vizier Aametjou, delighting in the sight of cows Rejoicing in the farm work and observing the work of the dry season and the season of germination"
. The harvest occupied - at least partially - both registers (). The lower register showed scenes of plowing and sowing ().
North wall
Is dedicated to the genealogy of Rekhmire, delineated on four registers (). User, uncle of Rekhmire - to whom his appointment as vizier should probably be attributed – receives the same treatment as that of his father Neferuben ( and ).
The personages are divided into four groups, that of Ahmes (or Aametju, Vizier at the beginning of the reign of Thutmose III) (), his son, the vizier User (), the father of Rekhmire, Neferuben, who was not a Vizier, and finally that of Rekhmire himself (). Thus the links of a powerful family are exposed and which seems to have the upper hand upon the Vizierate. Both sons of Rekhmire playing their roles as sem-priest (and were as such mutilated by the Atonists) are at the top and bottom, Menkheperreseneb above and Amenhotep below.
West wall
Only on the central part of the wall (hunting scene) and to the right (productive land near the river) do scenes remain. The left side, which included scenes of hunting and spear fishing has virtually disappeared () ; and, according to Davies, the scenes were "classic".
1) - Central section: hunting in the desert
The scene is accompanied by the comment: "Rekhmire travels through the desert valleys, glides between the hills and enjoys hunting desert animals"
. We are not really in the desert, but in the dry savannah around the Nile, represented in pink. The hunting area is surrounded by nets erected on poles. The hunters took advantage of the undulations of the terrain (represented by wavy lines) to set up their apparatus. The next step is for them, with the help of their pack, to drive game into this trap where the master only has to shoot his arrows, for preference at the most prestigious animals. Hunting dogs are not forgotten and seem to fly horizontally like the arrows that pierce animals (). With the lack of space, the animals are packed against each other and the whole scene gives an impression (desired) of confusion and panic. The unfortunate victims are ostriches (), oryx, gazelles, ibex (, ), wild bulls, hyenas, hares ()… The servants of the Vizier take care of the smaller catches, and of the beasts that they wanted to capture alive, which are shown on the upper register of the right hand section ().
2) - Right hand section
This had five registers, but here too the bottom one has disappeared. To the right was a large figure of Rekhmire which has been completely erased, surmounted by this text "2) Rekhmire, fathered by the wab-priest of Amon Neferouben, born to the Lady Bet Rejoicing to see the excellent production. Receiving contributions from the Ways of Horus… the long and short-horned cattle, fish, birds, fruit, lotus flowers, plants… Delta, with contributions from the Ways of Horus"
. 2) "The Ways of Horus" was the region to the north-east, on the border with Asia, and well known for its wine.
Register 1 (upper)
It is surmounted by an inscription: : "Bringing in the prizes of hunting in the desert oryx, gazelles, ibex, and all kinds of good things, meat, vegetables and as a contribution of the Ways of Horus, lotus flowers, herbs, lotus bulbs, fish and birds, infinite in number, long and short horned cattle, wine and fruit, according to his wishes. for the Ka of the confidant of the King in the entire country, the Mayor of the City, the Vizier, Rekhmire".
Servants lead a live animal of each species to the place for fattening up (, , ) ; only the hyena is transported dead. At the right end of the register are piled carcasses which the inevitable scribe records ().
Register 2
This portrays the products of the Ways of Horus and the wine vintage. On the left, three men pick the grapes on a vine trellis () the grapes are then transported in baskets to the press. There, four men trample the grapes while holding onto ropes (, ). They sing: "Recitation: O Renenutet, our mistress, give us your fruit in abundance"
. Recall that the Renenutet goddess is the "Lady of food"
. The juice that flows is collected by a servant then poured into an amphora. Further to the right the various products from the province of the Ways of Horus are stacked and are being recorded by a scribe ().
Registers 3 and 4
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These have deteriorated severely. They show plucked and trussed marsh birds being potted, likewise the preparation of dried fish from a fishing net in a fishing scene, which nowadays, has largely disappeared.
We will now enter the longitudinal hall.