Team Unearths Statue of Egypt's Queen Ti 

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Comme déjà signalé, le John Hopkins Museum fouille le temple de Mout à Louxor. Une découverte significative vient d'être faite, celle d'une statue de la reine Tyi, Grande Épouse royale d'Aménophis III.

A team of US archeologists have discovered a statue depicting Pharaoh Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiy, Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities told AFPThe team from John Hopkins University found the statue near those of Tiy's husband Amenhotep III in Luxor, more precisely in the area of the temple of Mut. The black granite statue measuring 4.5 feet in height and 17 inches in width was found in good condition but the feet are missing, he added.

  Egypt’s ancient treasures expanding, luring more tourists and intrigues 

Voici une déclaration vraiment extraordinaire du Dr Zahi Hawass : il espère trouver intacte une chambre méconnue dans la tombe du Pharaon Sethy I !

This declaration by Dr Zahi Hawass seems nearly incredible : he hopes to find a new burial chamber in Sethy I's tomb!
"Heyer: Is there anything more you hope to find in the Valley?
Hawass: In the Valley of the Kings some 35 years ago, I met a young man from the Abdul Rasul family who told me he knew about the secrets of the valley. The man in his 70s took me to a secret path and led me to the mouth of a secret tunnel. He said if I take this route further into the tomb of Seti, the tunnel will go down to another 300 feet where you will find a second chamber with the tomb of Seti. I did not believe him until a few months ago when I entered the shaft with only a flashlight, a rope and a meter. It was dangerous to go inside that shaft for more than 216 feet. Beyond that I could not go any further because the rubble was blocking my path and falling on my head. Next month, I will go again and restore this shaft piece by piece and go deeper to 300 feet Abdul Rasul told me. There I think I will find the tomb of Seti I – perhaps the most important discovery yet again. No artefacts from his tomb are out there. Therefore Seti’s tomb is still very much intact.
Heyer: Which tells you that you are about to open a tomb that can be as wealthy as King Tutankhamun’s?
Hawass: Of course, yes."

 Race to save first kingdoms in Africa from dam waters  

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Un grand barrage vient d'être initié par le gouvernement Soudanais dans la région de la 4ème cataracte du Nil, qui va donc recouvrir une grande partie des sites archéologiques appartenant à l'ancien royaume de Kerma.

In a highly controversial move, the Sudanese government is planning to flood a vast stretch of the southern Nile valley as part of plans for a big hydro-electric dam at Merowe, near what was once the ancient city of Napata. The affected area lies in what is known as the Nile's fourth cataract, one of the six stretches of river divided from each other by sets of rapids impassable by boat. Already more than 700 sites of potential interest have been discovered in just one small part of the area to be flooded - showing the need not only for an urgent programme to rescue the most important artefacts, but also for a reappraisal of Sudan's archaeological importance.

  Hopkins in Egypt Today 

L'Université John Hopkins commence une nouvelle saison de fouille sur le site du temple de Mout à Louxor. Comme pour les saisons précédentes les fouilles peuvent être suivies au jour le jour sur un site dédié.
Une initiative passionnante dont on ne peut qu'espérer qu"elle sera reprise par d'autres missions.
Rappel : un article complet sur le temple de Mout

existe sur OsirisNet.

Egyptologist Betsy Bryan and her crew are once again sharing their work on Johns Hopkins University’s 11th annual excavation at the Mut Temple Precinct in Luxor with the world through an online diary, a digital window into day-to-day life on an archaeological dig.
There is already an article on the temple of Mut on OsirisNet.

  The Coffin of Paseshes: A Treatment 

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La restauration du sarcophage tardif de Pasheses, avec description, édition des textes et photos.

About the treatment of the damaged Egyptian Late Period coffin of Pasheses plus a detailed history of the coffin and complete translation of the texts and photographs.


 A new home for mummies 

Une nouvelle salle des momies va ouvrir dans le Musée du Caire. Elle contiendra les momies de grands prêtres d'Amon ainsi que de rois et princes. Parmi les personnages célèbres des XXème et XXIème Dynasties : Ramses III, Ramses VI, Ramses VII, Pinedjem II et sa femme Khonsou.

A new hall for mummies will open at the Egyptian Museum.The new hall will contain 11 mummies of kings, princesses and priests from the 20th and 21st Dynasties, including Ramses III, VI and VII, as well as Pinodjem II and his wife Khenso.

  L'élevage bovin en Égypte Antique/Cattle rearing in Ancient Egypt  

Sommaire : revue de nos connaissances sur les bovins élevés dans l’Egypte antique (origine, races),sur leur rôle dans l’économie rurale, sur leur place dans l’alimentation humaine, sur leur utilité dans l’artisanat et sur leur importance religieuse et symbolique. Description de la conduite de l’élevage (alimentation, logement, marquage, castration, traite..) et des soins vétérinaires.

Content: overview of our knowledge of cattle reared in Ancient Egypt (origin and breeds of cattle), on their role in rural economics, on their use for human consumption or in handicrafts and their religious and symbolic importance. Description of cattle rearing ( feeding, housing, marking, castrating, milking..) and veterinary care.éd.sci.vét., 2004, 3 (1)

  Das Grab des Hohenpriesters Neb-wenenef in Dra’ Abu el-Naga (Grab Nr. TT 157) 

Dans le cadre du Ramessidenprojekt, les universités de Heidelberg, Leipzig et de Pennsylvanie travaillent actuellement au dégagement d'une des plus grandes tombes privées de la nécropole Thébaine, celle de Nebouennef, TT157. Ce personnage considérable fut d'abord prêtre d'Onouris et d'Hathor à Denderah avant d'accéder au poste de Grand Prêtre d'Amon au tout début du règne de Ramses II.

Within the framework of the Ramesside project, the Universities of Heidelberg, Leipzig and Pennsylvania are working at present on the clearance of one of the largest private tombs of the Theban necropolis, that of the Nebuennef, TT157. This significant character was firstly a priest of Onuris and Hathor in Denderah before reaching the position of high priest of Amon at the very beginning of the reign of Ramses II.

Uni Leipzig

 Gräberfund widerlegt "Pharaonen-Propaganda" 


L'exploration d'une nécropole de Tell el Dab'a remontant à l'époque de Ramses II a révélé une surprenante réalité. Les corps retrouvés (70) sont remarquablement petits, entre 1,37 et 1,45 m pour les femmes et 10 cms de plus pour les hommes. Ceci traduit une malnutrition chronique et sévère, en contradiction marquée avec la propagande royale triomphaliste de l'époque qui proclame que chacun mange à sa fin.

The exploration of a necropolis of Tell el Dab'a, in favour again at the time of Ramesses II, revealed a surprising reality. The bodies found (70) are remarkably small, between 1.37 and 1.45 m for the women and 10 cms taller for the men. It translates into a chronic and severe malnutrition, in marked contradiction to the royal triumphalist propaganda of the time, which proclaimed that everyone eats his fill.