The west wall

This wall, a total of 6.15m in length, includes three parts (starting at the south base wall) : a small uninscribed segment of 40cm, a recess of 2m in width, thus giving the chamber a horizontal L-shaped form, and finally a section of 3.75m in length which is the only one to be decorated. The scenes are distributed on five registers. The themes are once again agricultural, related to the gathering of fruits, grape harvesting, the market-garden cultivation, the birds, the harvest of the papyrus (the scenes are to be read from right to left). On some drawings accentuation has been started, the others, notably on the left side, are only sketched. Because of the lack of space, it is impossible to have a general view of the scenes (see , on the right) and a plan of the wall doesn't exist (unless one hasn't been found).

Register N°1 (upper)

(see and )

This shows the capture of birds and the harvest of fruits on trees in a cultivated garden.

a) - Scenes 1 and 2

This represents a cloud of birds, among which only orioles are easily identifiable, are being caught in a net stretched over a tree. A bird catcher crawls under the net to seize them. The scene has the legend "capturing the orioles". To the left of the tree stands a second bird catcher accepts the birds passed to him by the other (view ).

b) - Scene 3

(See )

In two superimposed sub-registers, is seen how the captured orioles are placed in cages. In each of the two inter-registers, a bird-hunter sits (upper image) and kneels (lower image) before a cage. The upper one receives a bird offered to him by the team member from the scene just described. Above the cages can be seen orioles whose wings are impeded by being fastened together.

c) - Scene 4

After the capture in the trees, comes a classic scene of the capture of the birds in a net between two undergrowths of papyrus.
The men have their loincloths rotated towards the rear, in order to be at ease, thus exposing their genitalia, which permits to note that they were circumcised. They wear short, curly wigs, which is rather astonishing in this kind of activity. Indeed, they can be seen clutching the rope which is going to serve to close the trap, the artist knew how to represent the tension which precedes the moment where the order to pull awaits to be given (see and ). In the net and above are located an unbelievable number of birds, to which three bird-catchers are interested. The abA-bird is mentioned in the text: "The abA-birds caught by means of a net by the bird-hunters of pr-dt" has been identified as being the Streptopelia turtur, the turtle-dove, very widespread in Egypt (see on the topic of this bird).

d) - Scene 5

By one these abridgements which the Egyptian artist loved, the result of hunt is represented at the same time as this. This is how one sees a standing man who holds by the neck in every hand three birds. There is no doubt that he was to look for them under the net. To his left, the register is divided into two with, in each sub-register, the placing in a cage of the fowl, the final stage of the hunt.
The character at the top holds with both hands a turtle-dove, which he places in a cage (see ). Above this one waits for another bird, incapable to escape, because its wings are attached to each other. On the lower sub-register, a bird-catcher turns toward his standing team member and says to him: "Give and I take!", signifying by this that they must co-ordinate their gestures to put the agitated fowl, that is trying to escape, into the cage.

e) - Scene 6

(see and )

This concerns the harvesting of the sycamore fruits ("nqawt" in hieroglyphs).
Two peasants pick the fruits which they place in a wicker basket which hangs from their wrist (see ), in order to climb more easily. The men also have turned their loincloths turned towards the rear. The accompanying text, above the man on the right, states: "picking of the nqawt fruits". The neqawt fruit are figs produced by the sycamore tree, which require to be cut to develop.
The same text can be read above the gardener occupied picking the fruits on the tree to the left.

Register N°2

This is dedicated to the harvest of fruits of wildly grown trees, which are away from the garden.

a) - The grape-harvest of the wild vines

(see )

Four grape pickers virtually disappear under the disorganised foliage from which the fruit and pile in baskets. The men are difficult to distinguish, because the work of the sculpture is far from being finished and lacks detail. To the left of the pickers can be seen two men transporting very full baskets (see the right-hand side of ).

b) - More picking

Two men pick the fruits of a wild unidentified tree (see ) and place them in small baskets. Immediately to the left is an identical scene, but only one of the pickers is engraved, the rest of the scene is only sketched (see ).

c) - Harvesting of the fruit from the nbs-plant

(see )

Two men harvest the fruits of this spiny plant identified as Paliurus spina christi (better known under the name "bush of thorns of Christ" or "Jerusalem thorn"). The text inscription mentions "Picking the fruit from the nbs-plant". The plant produces edible fruits which have a shape of a Chinese hat (see for example).

d) - Harvesting of figs

(see )

The inscription "picking of the figs", placed next to each of them, doesn't leave any doubt as to the fruits which the two standing men pick before placing them in a basket. They are helped by a naked child (not circumcised) that has climbed into the tree.

e) - The juniper

(see )

Following the previous picking scene, is drawn "picking of the berries of the juniper". Two men are to work. At the foot of one of the men, a large basket would be used to contain what is placed in the smaller baskets used by the men for picking.

f) - Picking of figs

The scene is identical to the one seen in d), above.

Register N°3

Here, on the left, is maintained vegetable garden, whilst on the right is the harvesting of the papyrus planted into a pond (and not wild) that is represented.

a) - The harvesting of the papyrus

This is therefore located in a pond and the men have their legs in the water up to mid-calf. Right and left, two among them pull out the large upright stems, whilst the character in the middle collects them together so that he will bring on to the bank. The workers wear curly wigs and aprons. They distinguish themselves, their more official dress, from the simple farm worker, who harvest the papyrus in the channels or the marshes. The text states: "the pond of the wAD-papyrus and the mnHj-papyrus of pr-dt". It can be assumed that this papyrus represents the varieties of the plant destined for the manufacture of the writing papyrus sheets. In any case, M. Erroux-Morfin writes: "the wAD, mnH and Twf plants seem identical and designate the Cyperus papyrus The three names begin to be used as synonyms as early as the New Kingdom and are in the texts of offering of the papyrus".

b) - The vegetable garden

The beginning of the scene, on the right-hand side, is sculpted: a man heads towards the left, two crocks of water in his hands (see ), with a partial inscription where can only be identified the word "… fruit…".
After a totally blank area, where the imagery has been lost - corresponding, according to Altenmüller, to the irrigation of a field - follows an area which is drawn only in outline, although the hair of the men has been infilled.

The peasant farmers work in fields, delimited in the register by black lines. The one at the bottom probably contains lettuce plants (the Roman variant). It is interesting to notice that worker uses a dibble. The man at the top seems to dig up the alliaceae plants, which a man, standing on the left, awaits for them to be passed to him. Among the alliaceae plants is found garlic, chives, shallots, onions, leeks, etc. (see page for the many varieties of the alliaceae plants; or the page, but it is in French).
On the right, another peasant waters the plants with the help of a vessel (see ).

On the left, the standing character who stretches out his left hand toward the peasant of the top scene, passes a lettuce with his other hand to one of his squatting companions, who looks at him at the same time as he stacks the different products of the harvests in a large basket. In the sub-register above this one, another man also arranges a basket.
At the extreme end of this register, a man heads towards the left (and therefore toward the false door) whilst transporting some of the products from the gardens in an enormous basket, and even some stems of papyrus, which hang from the bled of his arm. He turns his head towards his fellow workers and announce to them: "I shall return when I have carried it away" (see ).

Register N°4

a) - The grape harvests

On the right is found a curious representation in the growing style of the grapevine, which is this time attached to a structure, unlike the wild grapevine already seen in the second register. The direction of growth of the stems are controlled here.
The standing grape-pickers, are here dressed in loincloths and wear wigs with ringlets. They harvest the bunches of grapes in baskets, which then emptied into other larger baskets (see and ). A man on the knees, which the artist represented with a tremendously stretched out right arm, grabs one of the large baskets to transport it toward the press (see ). This is how one sees another man carrying on his shoulder an enormous basket, heading toward the left (see ). From here, the quality of the sculpture degrades: the man emptying his different shaped basket into the press is represented more briefly and, for example, doesn't have any ringlets on his wig; in the same way the grapes which flow from the basket are not detailed.

b) - The wine press

(see )

Two groups of three men face each other. They trample the grapes whilst holding on to a wooden bar above the heads and holding the waist of the man in front of them.

c) - Pressing of the must

(see )

The must of the grape is transferred into bags made of canvas which are pressed by twisting with the help of a pole, until the last drop. Five people, two on the right, two on the left, one to the middle takes care of this work. The juice extracts flows out into a jar, placed under the bag.

d) - Storage

At the extreme left of the register one can guess that there are six sealed containers, very difficult to see, placed on two superimposed sub-registers (see ).

Register N°5

This contains only sketches of the procession of the funeral priests who, carrying jars of wine, head towards the false door. At the head of the cortege, the more official one carries a container at height. He was followed of eighteen other characters, but now only traces of twelve of them are visible.

The false door

(See also )

This is in a large non-decorated niche (see the ) of 2.0m wide by 0.80m deep and 3.50m in height (the full height of the chamber) located 40cm from the south wall. It imitates a facade of a palace, but is extensively incomplete and didn't receive any inscriptions.