The duties of the Vizier

Instructions for the installation in his Office as the Director of the City and Vizier of the South City and the Residence, in the office of Vizier ().

Introductory Notes

Concerning all activities of this magistrate, the Vizier shall judge in the office of Vizier, while sitting in a chair with a backrest, a mat on the floor, with shenep clothing upon him, a skin at his back, a skin under his feet, [a mat (?)] upon him, the aba sceptre besides him, 40 leather rolls open before him, the Great Ten of Upper Egypt in a row before him, the director of the private apartments upon his right and the person charged with intimate affairs to his left, the scribes of the Vizier beside him.

Order of Precedence

When a person speaks to another, it must be done according to their social level (literally: when one (person) that addresses another (person) it must be (done) with every man according to his rank. Everyone will be heard after his equal without allowing a person of lower rank to be heard before a person of higher rank. If a person of higher rank says: "Nobody should be heard besides me" (literally anyone to be heard does not exist at my rank), he will be detained by the assistants of the Vizier.

Reports about warehouses

He will report the sealing of warehouses and their opening at the right time. He will report on the state of southern and northern strongholds. All that has to come out of the royal estate will do so after a report has been made to him, all that needs to get into the royal domain shall enter after a report has been made to him, In addition, as for everything that enters into or leaves the territory of the Residence, when they come in and they go out, it is his assistant that will allow them to enter and exit. The directors of police, police officers and district directors will make a report to him on their business.

Protocol for interviews with the King

In addition, he will enter to greet the Lord, life, prosperity, health when the business of the Two Lands shall be reported him in his house every day. He will enter the palace together with the Director of that which is sealed and he will wait near the northern column. Then the Vizier will move quickly, striding to the door of the Great Double Portal, the Director of that which is sealed returning to meet him and will make a report to him saying: "All your things are prosperous and flourishing and each official has made a report to me saying: "All your concerns are prosperous and flourishing. The royal estate is prosperous and flourishing". The Vizier will report to the Director of what is sealed saying. ‘All your business is prosperous and flourishing All services of the Residence are prosperous and flourishing, that warehouses are sealed at.. desired time and opened at the desired time was reported to me by each official." Then, after the two magistrates have made a report to each other (literally after one has made a report to another to inform the two magistrates), the Vizier will send (a message) to open each door of the royal domain to allow all that needs to go in to do so, and everything that has to come out similarly. It is his assistant who must ensure this is recorded in writing.

Judgment of a dishonest magistrate

Do not allow any magistrate to have power over a decision (made) in his office. If a complaint happens against one of the judges who is in his office, he (the Vizier) will ensure that this leads the judge into the courtroom. It is the Vizier who must punish (him) according to his crime. Do not allow that any magistrate has power over punishment in his office. One will make a report on every judgment relating to the office he formerly occupied.

Assistants to the Vizier

As for all the assistants a Vizier sends on a mission to a magistrate, from the Chief magistrate to the lowest magistrate (literally each magistrate until the end), do not permit that he has a friendly attitude towards the magistrate, do not let him show this to a magistrate. He will state the message from the Vizier while he stands before the magistrate by repeating his message and then return to his post. It is his assistant who brings the Governors and Governors of districts into the audience room. It is his assistant who gives the instruction [.] If his assistant makes a report complaining saying [.] "Having been sent on a mission to the magistrate so and so, he managed it so one brought me in and that one compelled me to bow down (literally: he managed it that one placed something on my neck). " The magistrate’s case will be heard [.] [so he will be punished] according to what has been investigated, by the Vizier in his office, by means of any punishment, and, in addition to that punishment by the cutting off of a limb.

The register of criminals

Moreover, concerning any activity, the Vizier judges in his office. As for anyone [is inefficient in each function] about which he hears, the one who is not exonerated (literally, one who does not remove the obstacle for him) when he (i.e. the Vizier) hears the case about it (i.e. the lack of efficacy) one shall enter (him) in the register of criminals found in the great prison, one that does not exonerate his assistant, that assistant as well. If their crime recurs again, one will report and transmit what is on the register of criminals. The sentences will be announced, and this will be recorded in the register according to their fault.

Consultation of documents

On all the documents that are sent [by the Vizier to an official of] any office, to inform those things that are not confidential hidden (literally: one that it is non-existent, being covered), they shall bring it to him with registers of the keepers concerned under the seal of the judges, with their scribes behind them, he will then open them. Then, after he has seen them, we will return them to their place, having been sealed with the seal of the Vizier. Moreover, if he requests confidential documents, do not allow them to be brought by the Keepers concerned.

Arable land and cadastral land

As for any witness that the Vizier sends to him concerning any complainant, he must ensure that that person returns to him. But as for anyone who complains about the fields, it is that person who will take care of it (literally: it is up to him to entrust it) in addition to hearing the Director of cultivated land and the advisor of Maps. It is for his fields (i.e. as the complainant) in Upper Egypt or Lower Egypt that he (.i.e. the Vizier) should allow 2 months delay in reporting (back) to him. But on his fields that are close to the South City or the Residence, he will allow only three days according to the law, hearing each complainant under this law that is at its disposal.

Districts Advisors

Moreover, it is he who leads the district councilors, it is them who send to him. They will submit a report on the state of their districts. It is to him that one must bring every deed of gift, and it is he who seals them.

Arable lands and demarcation

It is he who makes the award of any terrain. As for any complainant who says: "Our border frontier has been changed", one will check it is made under the seal of a magistrate. If this is the case (literally if that happens), he will review what is to be reviewed to the Council who had moved it. And, for all that removed or replaced closer (alone), when one inspects the property therein (literally in it, i.e. the field), one will preserve each complainant in writing, without ensuring that he has complained to a judge. One will report back to each complainant from the Lord as soon as he puts (it) in writing.

Sending assistants

It is he who sends each assistant of the royal domain who is sent to Governors and district Governors. It is he who sends out any messenger, any expedition from the royal domain.

Appointment of, and role of Officials

It is he who dictates who is a member of the (literally is in) the magistrate colleges of Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, South Head and Thinite nome. They will make a report to him of everything that has happened under their care every 4 months. It is to him that the official should bring the relevant documents which are under their responsibility and their advice.

Management of the army

It is he who organizes the gathering of troops, following the movements of his Lord to the North or to the South. It is he who assesses who should remain (literally where the rest should be) in the South City and in the Residence according to what was announced in the royal domain. It is to him that one brings the Administrator of the house of the ruler who has moved into his office in the company of the Staff Council, to give them the instructions for the army.

Interviews of officials

And he make sure that every official (literally any function) from the highest to the lowest in the Vizier's office greets his counterpart.

Management of those responsible for major works

It is he who sends (men) to cut trees according to what was announced in the royal domain. It is he who sends the members of the district council to create channels in the entire country. It is to him the Governors and district Governors send to arrange labour for plowing and harvesting. It is he who appoints the director of the police in the office of the royal domain. It is he who decides who judges Governors and district governors that come in his name from Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

Operating reports

One will make a report about all (judicial) cases. One will do a report about the state of the fortresses of Upper Egypt and any imprisonment of someone who will flee [.] It is he who raises taxes in each district, he shall judge for them.

State owned landt

It is he who sends out teams of cadastral scribes to deal with the Lord's affairs. That is what is judged about all the fields of the Nome documents must be found in his office. It is he who establishes the boundaries for each prefecture (decides) of all pastures, all divine offerings and everything of value.

Investigation and jugdment

It is for him that each public proclamation is made, it is he who listens to every complaint. […] When a man goes to court with his fellow man.
It is he who appoints one to be appointed to the audience hall.
It is in the royal domain that anyone who should be questioned should come to him.
It is he who listens to every decree. It is he who hears about the lack of any divine offering.
It is he who collects all taxes as returned from whoever gives him.

The end of the text is very mutilated

It is he who made […] in the South City and the Residence.
It is he who seals it under seal. It is he who listens to every request.
It is he who proceeded to levy taxes for administrative districts.
The Grand Council will make a report on their tax [.]
It is he who hears [.]
It is he who must inspect all goods that are brought to the audience room and all that is delivered to the audience room.
It is he who becomes aware of it.
It is he who opens the House of Gold in the company of the Director of what is sealed.
It is he who inspects the tax […] the Great Steward and the Grand Council.
It is he who made an inventory of all the bulls that must take inventory.
It is he who monitors the drinking supply every 10 days.
[…] It is he who listens to all requests from the audience room.
The Governors, district Governors and all lowly men make a report on all their taxes to him.
Each District Director, all police officers are to make a report to him on conflicts with their superiors […] […] make a report on conditions per month, to testify on taxes. Trustworthy Chancellors [.]
One will report to him the rising of Sothis and the beginning of the inundation and will report the height of the [Nile].
[…] To the district superintendent, police officers in […] […]
It was he who assigns the boats to any person to whom one must assign them.
It is he who sends all the assistants to the royal domain […] when the Lord is on an expedition.
It is he who makes one do a report […] the Lord […] him
It is to him the Board will report primarily upon the boats and then the fleet.
It is he who seals each decree […] the dog of the dog handler who is sent on a mission for the royal domain.
It is to him that each report will report.
It is the gatekeeper of the audience room who must report about everything which concerns him, everything he does, by listening in the courtroom."

Translation of Michel Dessoudeix (see bibliography on page 12), English version by Peter Sullivan